Simple Twirl Vase

25 (likes)
4586 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This design is an entry into the Vectary Design Competition sponsored by MakeXSimple yet Elegant twirling vase. This model was created with VECTARY - the free, online 3D modeling tool Credits: model by Hendo Jordaan model by Hendo Jordaan

About the author:
Young Engineer with unearthly passion for designing. Qualified Mechanical Engineer by day. Inventor by Night. I can design my own 3D printer but I aim to "Deserve" my printer via Designs/Tips/Competitions- And hence won my 1st 3D printer with my Phone Stand design. - and a second with a manifold re-design. I Will rarely download something to print if I can design it myself. By Improving my skill set daily, I will soon be a Pro- Watch this space!


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