Milagro Vase

31 (likes)
5198 (views)
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Milagro vase, named after my wife's middlename. Printed with translucent blue PETG at 0.6mm layers, with 1mm nozzle, at 60mm/sec, 2 perimeters, 20% hexagonal fill, 2  top and bottom surfaces. Miracle vase is a multi position flower/candle/potpourri holder. Vase can be printed with round base on bed surface and without supports. Standing up (round base on table surface) holds flowers or plants. Upside down, it stands on its tripod wings and can hold a tea light or candle. On its side (with one dish horizontally face up) can be used as a potpourri plate. I printed it with non-flammable PETG so that it may also serve as an incense stick burner in either the upright or side position Printing time: 392 minutes Dimensions: 161.8mm x 161.8mm x 161.8mm Est. Weight: 174 g    

About the author:
Doing it for the joy of 3D printing and creating happiness for family, friends and others.


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