Ferris Wheel Planter

70 (likes)
5790 (views)
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Check out my other planter designs here: https://www.printables.com/@AlexT/collections/221225   Assembly 1) Print the 3 included files on your printer at 30% infill and at medium quality. Supports are required, but a raft is not. 2) Remove all of the supports from your print. 3) OPTIONAL: If you want to, you can now paint your ferris wheel parts. However, this is not recommended as the paint can lead to the rods being too thick for the carts to fit on them. If you are going to paint them, make sure that you have read the rest of the steps so that you know where not to paint. 4) Lay the ferris wheel part with the six rods facing upward. Put all 6 carts on these rods. 5) For extra support, put a dab of glue on the top of each of the rods, and put the second ferris wheel part with the 6 slots facing downwards directly parallel to the first ferris wheel part. Make sure that the rods are secure inside the slots, and clamp by placing a heavy book on top (don't do this part if you printed this any smaller than the attached files, or if you printed on a low infill). I would recommend using either regular glue, super glue, or hot glue for this job. Super glue might be a bit tricky as by the time you have put glue on all 6 rods and gotten the parts all together, it would most likely have already dried. I used hot glue, which worked surprisingly well. 6) Once everything has dried, try swiveling the carts on their axles. If any of the glue accidentally got stuck to one of the carts (especially if you used hot glue), this step should help break the bond. If needed use a small knife to cut away the glue stuck to the cart. 7) Place the completed ferris wheel on the rod of the first half of the stand. Lay both parts on the table, with the exposed rod sticking straight up. 8) Apply glue to the rod, and place the matching slot on the second half of the stand on top. Clamp with a heavy book. Make sure that the 2 supports at the base of the stand are fitted into their appropriate slots. You can also use a little bit of glue on this part. 9) You are done!

About the author:
I'm now uploading designs on Printables. https://www.printables.com/@AlexT


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