Canister Vases

7 (likes)
3007 (views)
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These canister vases are designed to hold water and keep the temperature of the isopropane canister above freezing (which keeps the vapor pressure from dropping). After assembly, fill the vase with water, and if necessary top it off occasionally with warm water. I have not tried it in extreme cold (I live in California) or with other stoves so you should test it before relying on it. The files are designed to be printed with TPU, in vase mode (no bottom), and with an extrusion width around 0.8mm. Using different settings may require adjusting the scale slightly. They should stretch slightly as they slide over the canister and form a watertight seal. There are multiple versions, the designs with the wavy edges are designed to collapse into a pot. Printer:-- Eustathios Filaments:-- Sainsmart Transparent Red TPU-- Sainsmart Transparent Orange TPU      Canister Vases by walter is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial license.

About the author:
3D printing addict. Printing with an Eustathios and Rigidbot 3D printers.


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