Cassette Keychain Lite

13 (likes)
1009 (views)
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Do you want to sell prints of my designs, get all my designs for $8, or just support me? Check my patreon page: update 14 feb 2023 ------------------------ Cassettewhole(increased clearance).stl This version is relevant for 0.4mm nozzle. There is a clearance of 0.3mm between the reel and the body. ------------------------ Cassettewhole.stl There is a clearance of 0.18mm between the reel and the body. Version is relevant for 0.3mm wall thickness (respectively 0.3mm nozzle) at 0.15mm layer. If the wall thickness is 0.4 mm, set the "horizontal extension" to -0.05 mm (negative value). By default, this value is zero. ------------------------ Anyway, when printing is done, the reel must rotate hard. I applied silicone grease Glidex and washed with water, after which it rotated perfectly. print in place, no supports Don't forget to give me a like Share photos of your prints Cassette Keychain with case :



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