Fondue Lance, Monster Hunter Generations

20 (likes)
4289 (views)
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This is a model of the fondue lance and the accompanying cheese shield from monster hunter generations. As a beginner that just got a 3d printer less than 30 days ago, this model was entirely made in tinkercad with all built in shapes, no shape generators. The lance and shield were measured out to match nicely with around a 1/7 scale plastic figure, possibly smaller adult cats as well.  The lance consists of 6 parts, the handle, a connecting bar, the metal guard, the cheese tower, the fork, and the cheese wedge i added on top. The connecting bar connects the handle and the metal guard. The metal guard has a triangular prism on top that connects to the cheese tower. The top of the cheese tower has a hole for the fork. The cheese wedge has holes for the fork to fit in. The holes were all created with a .2mm tolerance in each dimension and pieces generally fit about 15mm inside of their respective holes. I made each hole and connector slightly different to reduce confusion about construction, similar to a small figure from a gachapon. Mine was printed with no supports, though I did use an 8mm brim on all pieces, 20% infill using triangles. Lance parts took around 8-9 hours to print at the maker select plus' recommended highest quality settings.  The shield also requires no supports and was printed with an 8mm brim, 20% infill using triangles. It's simpler than the actual cheese shield and the wedge sliced out it not the same size but i thought 1/12 of the cheese would look good speared on top of the lance fork. Shield took maybe 12 hours to print on the maker select plus' highest quality settings.  Thanks for looking!



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