Transformers Light Up Hood Ornament

9 (likes)
2448 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This is a simple Transformers Hood Ornament.There are 2 versions.1st version just lays flat with 7 strips of 3 L.E.D. lights.2nd Version is ticker so you can allow the strip to adhere to side wall so the L.E.D. lights are not viable.

About the author:
I just started printing april of 2017. Been a Cosplay peron for alot longer. I got into 3D Printing because i've spent weeks if not months building Comic-Con and Cosplay props. Since i got into 3D Printing i've made, designed and printed all my Comic-Con parts. I use to buy my 3D Printers from eBay. In fact my first 4 were from eBay. 1st TronXY x1 with a print bed of 150x150x150 2nd Tronxy P802a with a print bed of 220x220x300 3rd Kossel Delta with a print bed of 180x300 4th TronXY X3a with a print bed of 220x220x350 Home Made 5th Mega TronXY X1 with a print bed of 440x440x300 6th EX Delta with a print bed of 220x452 7th Mega EX Delta with a print bed of 405x305 8th Corexy 350x350x400 9th Corexy 400x400x400 My latest design the Mega EX Delta, prints faster and quiter then any of myother printers. When i made the Mega TronXY X1 i wanted a larger print bed so i could print my Comic-Con/Cosplay props. Turns out it printed very good, however it tock forever to print large items. so that is when i made the Mega EX Delta. I did a time test with the Mega TronXY X1 and my EX Delta, Same parts same infill same specs on both machines. and the Delta Printed item in 8 hours, The Mega TronXY X1 tock 18 hours. That is when i redesigned my Mega TronXY X1 into the Mega EX Delta printer.


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