
36 (likes)
5773 (views)
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Write a word and print it out! This isn't a 3D design, it's a 3D-design tool. The demo files are just examples; press "Open in Customizer" to get started with your own design. The Text Tool utilizes the "text" function in OpenSCAD through the MakerBot Customizer so that you can create a quick 3D model of any word or phrase. The letters can be imported for use in any other design program as part of a larger design. (The example picture shows some simple designs using the Text Tool output in Tinkercad, including a trophy cup shape from rocketboy's model http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:82860.) Much thanks to tbuser and atartanian for creating the Customizer that makes this tool possible! Also again to atartanian for the idea of making a base web with offset/inset. Thanks also to to wstein for wrangling the Google font list into something nice to use in OpenSCAD!   ===== Twitter:  twitter.com/mathgrrl Hacktastic blog:  mathgrrl.com/hacktastic Shapeways geekhaus store:  shapeways.com/shops/mathgrrl Text by mathgrrl is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial license.

About the author:
math geek and defender of the universe. hacktastic designer and maker.


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