Economical Drawers

292 (likes)
8423 (views)
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I saw a number of different small parts drawers on Thingiverse and noticed that most of them used a good amount of filament. I wanted to make a cost efficient version that looked beautiful and was easy to print. This is the outcome: Economical Shelf: 150 grams (including supports and raft)Shelf before voronoi: 217 grams (no supports with raft) Saved 67 grams of filament! NOTE: Saves filament not print time The voronoi pattern not only looks nice but it gives rigidity to the shelf while also reducing the use of filament. The many holes in the pattern also allow for easy wall mounting. The shelves are 10 mm thick rims that are big enough and strong enough to support the drawers without having to waste a lot of filament. I designed each part with the intent to reduce the need for supports. 152 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm

About the author:
O3D Official
I am a maker from Philadelphia. O3D's goal is to encourage creativity and uniqueness. Twitter: @O3D_Official Follow me on Thingiverse


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