Raspberry Pi Camera case with mounting holes

12 (likes)
4629 (views)
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There are a lot of camera covers for the Pi camera but I needed one that i could mount using simple m3 bolts. I could not find any so I made one.The tolerances of the parts are set so that if you print it on reasonably fine settings it should snap together without any major post processing. I tried a few others and they were almost impossible to snap together since the tolerances were to tight.Updates:2014-11-07 v12014-11-09 v2 Distance between both horizontal and vertical mounting holes changed to 30 mm. Fixed that the front part was not a true solid.2014-11-10 I have made a mounting fixture that uses the holes on the rim of the case to attach a swing arm. The fixture makes it possible to mount the camera at any angle. The mount is found here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:536828  

About the author:
An engineer by trade and a tinkerer by heart.


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