periscope for computer camera

9 (likes)
3876 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This idea came to me while i was in class taking notes, and i wanted to take a picture, to added to my notes, but i didn't have battery on my phone, and i thought ,what if i was able to take photos to the front, using my computer ? After that i start thinking how to do it and the image of a perisope came to my mind. This model will allow your computer camera to look to the front. To make it possible you will need two small mirrors. The model is printed in two parts.  Mirrors of a 2mm thikness, 20mm height and 30mm long.  This entry is for the computer parts challenge

About the author:
Estudiante de ingeniería biomedica. Después de interesarme por el mundo de las impresora 3D decidí comprarme una impresora y montarla yo mismo. Actualmente intento aprender a hacer mejores modelos para poder imprimirlos y compartirlos con la comunidad.


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