Modular case: Motherboard tray (Parts #1-9)

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2179 (views)
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The motherboard mounting parts for my modular case system. Remix of: For ITX: You'll need just the ITX part (Part #1)For DTX: You'll need the ITX and DTX parts (Parts #1 and 2)For M-ATX: You'll need the ITX, DTX, and both M-ATX parts (Parts #1-4)For ATX: You'll need the ITX, DTX, and both ATX parts (Parts #1-2 and 5-6)For EATX: You'll need the ITX, DTX, both ATX, and both EATX parts (Parts #1-2 and 5-8) You'll want to print out some of the motherboard pegs and Frame pegs too to put them together (Parts #9 and (NaN)) If you're looking for other parts to this system I've made, I have a spreadsheet with all the links and where you can get them here:  



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