Mini Monster Willy with rotating wheels

58 (likes)
5874 (views)
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OK this is my first ever remix of anything so it was a learning experience, I could have done some further improvements but in the end I'm happy enough with the end-result. This is a mash up of many other projects the willy jeep and suspension frame is from "Mini Monster Willy" I split the frame from the jeep so I could print it separately and in different colour. After I printed my fist jeep I noticed the Steering wheel and shifters broke quite easily. I redesigned these to be thicker and stronger.Next I borrowed the wheels from "Remix Mini Monster Truck w/ Rotating Wheels" I used the Emmett's Gear Bearing wheels and tiresI modified the frame to accept the wheels and added a small cube to help the frame and Jeep body align correctly, it needs to be glued as I didn't figure out a better way to get them to attach without glue. Supports are needed for the frame and the steering wheel on the jeep the original design had it built-in but i decided to to add it manually through my slicer instead (great for me maybe not for others) I probably missed some info or forgot something so I'll update and fix when I can



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