Pearl's Spear from Steven Universe!

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9030 (views)
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Check out our Etsy for all of our 3D printed awesomeness! You can buy this sword fully built on our Etsy! Find it here: It's Pearl's Spear from Steven Universe! One of the coolest weapons of the Crystal Gems, Pearl's spear is sleek, shiny, and really awesome! Print one out today! We split the blade and handle into separate segments for easy printing, but we also included the full models if you want to cut them custom yourself! (or if you have a giant 3D printer! :P ) Check out our YouTube channel for build videos and other cool stuff!   Print out the following pieces:   WHITE:Handle1.stlHandle2.stlHandle3.stlPin.stl x 5HiltPin.stl   BLUE:Blade1.stlBlade2.stlBlade3.stlBlade4.stlBluePommel1.stlBluePommel2.stlBlueHilt.stl   YELLOW:YellowPommel.stl   The blades all fit together using the connecting pins; use some super glue to keep them firmly connected. Use the longer HiltPin to connect the blade through the BlueHilt and into the handle, which is also connected in sequence.   Connect Handle3 into BluePommel1, then connect to YellowPommel, then glue both to BluePommel2. That's it, good to go! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.   

About the author:
3D Central
Full service 3D Print shop in Richmond VA! Specialize in rapid prototyping, product development, and all manner of custom design and manufacture. Passionate about open source hardware and always pushing the boundary of our knowledge and abilities!


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