Functional Custom Charge Blade!

134 (likes)
14780 (views)
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This is my entry for Capcom's Design Competition! For this competion I decided to make a custom, fully funtional Charge Blade, which I call "Wasser Starker Arm"! It features a mechanical system located within the shield that causes it to expand whenever the sword is rotated to downwards; Completing the Sword-and-Shield to Axe transformation! :D Extra Information! The demensions listed are for when it is in "Sheathed" form. Sword and Shield form is exactly the same, but when it's in Axe mode the demensions are as followed: 222mm, 103mm, 23mm. And extra part you will need are small sections of 1.5mm styrine rods, as they'll act as the pins that allow the mechanisim to work. Don't worry if you don't have these, 'cause you can simply just ream out the holes with a hobby knife and use segments of 1.75mm Printer fillament instead! If you want to print this yourself... I don't recomend that you paint your model, because all the joints are designed to work with what clearence I've left in them, and paint can obstruct the funtion of it. If you really wanna paint it tho, I recomend that you only paint the outside, or use spary paint as it goes on in much thinner layers. The rendering for the 3D models do seem a bit broken,but all the parts print A-OK, so don't worry 'bout it :) I'm really happy to have finished this model and to just have it sitting infront of me! It's really fun to play and fiddle with! I hope you all enjoy having and using it too! I fully argree and accept the terms and conditions of the contest and wish that the best man win! :D

About the author:
Oi, facinated by Computer Science and Engineering, constantly striving to learn more about anything I can! I continuiously find myself thinking and designing devices both mechanically and electronically to build and develop! I'm quite skilled with coding in C++ and have a pretty good understanding of electronics and wiring! I don't currently own my own 3D printer, but I hope to change that soon :) I've been working with/at my schools printers fixing, learning and using them all the way!


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