Dark scythe from Monster Hunter

58 (likes)
6642 (views)
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This is the Dark Scythe from the Monster Hunter games. It was orginaly designed for my halloween costume. I designed this in blender in around 5 hours and splitted up in pieces for 3D printing. i printed it on my Wanhao Duplicator 4 and glued together with epoxy glue. Then i painted it using spray paint and acryllic paint. the only part I didn't print was the handle. Instead I used a broken wood handle that i got from my neighbour.  I upload this here for enterence in the Monster Hunder weapon cahllenge. I also uploaded this on Thingiverese around haloween time. I spent 2 weeks printing this weapon. Some of the parts need support. i used 10% infill and 0.4 mm layer height. It was printed with white and silver PLA. I spent some days sanding, filling and gluing it all together and painting it using spraypaint and acryllic paint.  



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