Sphere and Cube Ring

13 (likes)
3659 (views)
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Cube and Ball ring. 

About the author:
Learning Computer Aided Design (CAD) was a happy coincidence for me. At the time I was building my career in the jewellery industry by learning traditional manufacture and design whilst completing some internships in fashion. What became clear to me during my internships was the huge effect that CAD was having on the jewellery industry. I knew that if I didn't learn how to use the software, I would quickly fall behind. Luckily for me, CAD design combined my interests in design and manufacture in a way I had never considered before. It is hands-on like traditional manufacture, with every adjustment having a direct affect on the piece you are making, whilst constantly developing in such a way that jewellers are able to carry out a huge range of new possibilities. Over the past few years I have designed pieces that are helping me to mould my own style and stand out in the industry. I look forward to continuing to develop my career in this area and am excited by the opportunity to become My Mini Factory’s (MMF) first female Studio Designer! As well as freelancing with MMF, I also run my own jewellery design and manufacture business Genevieve Black Jewellery (www.genevieveblack.com) where I design bespoke commissions for private clients. I also co-founded a jewellery tattoo business called Gilded Ink Tattoos (www.gildedinktattoos.com), where I design, market and sell temporary tattoos inspired by jewellery. The inspiration for my work comes from books, exhibitions, through friends’ wacky ideas and often when I see everyday objects and think to myself “how could I wear it?” I would say that it is a challenge defining my style at this point in my career as I wouldn’t want to limit myself. That said, I can see it growing and forming as my collections develop. I specialise in CAD design for jewellery and have a lot of experience in the 3D printing process from wax or resin into any metal that is possible to cast with. CAD printing jewellery requires a lot of knowledge of tolerances and a more practical knowledge of what will work and what wont. My traditional training in jewellery manufacture has made me adept in this process and i have a lot of confidence in my skills as a jewellery designer. I look forward to being a Studio Designer with MMF and am excited to see the 3D designs that come from it. I want to thank MMF and all those on the Jewellery team in particular for their continued support. Please also keep an eye out for my upcoming collection for MMF which will be available to buy from their shop in the coming months.


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