X-Wing Tournament Tray for Harbor Freight & Stanley Organizers

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Tournament Tray For Harbor Freight and Stanley Organizers I have begun playing in weekly X-Wing tournaments at my local game store. I needed a better way to consolidate my squad and the tools I need to play in a small package that can easily be moved from one table to the next. I Love All of the Printable Storage things available for the Harbor Freight And Stanley Organizer Boxes that have been shared here on Thingiverse. So this is my next contribution to the collection. The trays are 165mm X 160mm which fits in to a 3x4 bin grid in either the Stanley Organizer or the Harbor freight, The only thing that differs between these two cases is the depth. So I have made two different card accessory trays. Print which ever you need to fill out the correct storage height. Stanley = 40mm tall and Harbor Freight = 48mm tall. The templates are easy to pick up, just press down on the end of qa template and the opposite end will pop up in the air to grab. These fit the standard cardboard templates and should fit most Laser cut plexi templates. The trays are not currently deep enough to stack with the new plastic template that FFG has just released though. (If someone really wants these, let me know how thick they are and I can add template trays that will be deep enough to hold them. Each Tray will require 8 6mmx3mm magnets. I just used a thick super glue (cyanoacrylate) to glue the magnets in place. Make sure you get them all going in the same orientation so they will stack and hold the trays together. The Ship Base Tray Will Require Supports to print.



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