Leathermanbitkit Belt clip

16 (likes)
5499 (views)
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I use my leatherman all the time since it's a versatile tool. I carry it on my belt and don't have to worry about losing it or losing space in my pockets. A friend of mine gave me the Bit kit as a gift. It's a good addition to the leatherman but after a while I stopped carrying it with me because it took up too much space in my pocket. I had the idea to create a belt clip for it and still be able to access the bits without removing it from the belt. Here is my solution :) You can wear it either on your belt or directly on your trousers. It offers you the possibility to switch bits quickly and secure them with a rubberband if you dont need them. Assembly instructions at: https://www.instructables.com/id/Leatherman-Bit-Kit-Belt-Clip/ If you have questions or ideas how to improve it feel free to send a message.  



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