Aphrodite from Aphrodisias relief bust

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1369 (views)
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This white marble relief bust was found in 1971 in the ruins of the theatre. It was broken into three pieces. It depicts the goddess Aphrodite who was conflated with the original Eastern patron goddess beginning in the Hellenistic Age. The bust has a dedication in Greek stating that "Theodoros dedicated (this)." The bust is displayed today at the local museum at Aphrodisias.

About the author:
I've been (crudely) modeling things of interest for a few years. I don't consider my skills in photogrammetry and clean-up very good, but I'm learning as I go along. When I think a model is good enough to be printed, I like sharing it for free. My opinion is that all the world's patrimony should be freely and easily accessible to anyone anywhere.


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