The Sorceress

181 (likes)
17578 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This is the Sorceress. She is a stylus/pen holder and an ornament in her own right. She was a great deal of fun to sculpt and a challenge to ensure details and expression would translate to a 3D print. I've tried to design her so anyone can achieve a decent result even if they don't have access to a top end printer. I hope I've been successful. Her structure is solid enough with sufficient definition and detail that she scales up and down well. In my mind, her perfect height is 18cm (gold and red models, holding the stylus), however she has been printed as small as 11.5cm (silver model) and 10cm. I would love to see a really large print of her. I have included two files. one scaled at 180mm and the other at 11.5cm. However, there are applications like Netfabb and Meshmixer which will allow you to scale her as you wish. She prints WITHOUT SUPPORTS! She has been printed many, many times and you can find makes of her online quite easily This was my first public release "pay for" model. Don't worry, I will still design and release free work and by purchasing the Sorceress you will enable me to devote more time to that. The license for the Sorceress is for personal not commercial use. However, if you wish to use the Sorceress commercially then contact me via Twitter (@loubie3d) and we'll work something out.



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