Picasso - Head Of A Woman (Sculpture 3D Scan)

6 (likes)
3772 (views)
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I found a nice scan of a Picasso sculpture, ''Head of a woman''. I edited it to be 3D printable by cutting a flat base and deleting noise, filling holes, sculpting/smoothing a bit and scaling the model up. The original scan can be found here: http://www.123dapp.com/catch/Picasso-I/4604821 http://www.3dwp.nl

About the author:
3DWP delivers service in 3D printing/scanning/designing. We can be of great value because of our extensive experience in Additive Manufacturing. If you like the free models I post here consider leaving a small tip via the link below: https://www.paypal.me/3dwpnl 3DWP on Shapeways: https://www.shapeways.com/designer/3dwp Our website: https://www.3dwp.nl


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