Trammel of Archimedes

80 (likes)
7571 (views)
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Hey, I am a designer without a printer..yet. So if my models need a bit of changing, let me know and I will try to fix it the best I can. Thanks! Don't forget to share pictures if you print my models! Print 2 of the Slider Blocks, and one Base and one Arm.The Base has a 45-degree overhang, so add support accordingly. Assembly: Slide the Blocks into each axis of the cutout in the Base. Set the Arm on top of the Blocks and insert toothpick (or 2mm alike object) through the hole of the Arm into the hole of the Block. Push the toothpick as far down as possible, and then cut off the excess. Rotate Arm and enjoy a piece of Archimedes' mind with a modern touch. Add oil if needed.   EDITS: 8/20/17: Added a cut-down Base for printing with less material: "Base-Reduced.stl"



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