06 - Octagonal Trapezohedron

9 (likes)
3763 (views)
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Octagonal Trapezohedron was designed for the Sinterit Design Competition. The Octagonal Trapezohedron can also be worn as a pendant or earrings depending on scaling of the object before 3D printing. Entering a collection of designs for the Math Art theme, my goal is to create a series of as many geometic forms and their respective wireframe structures as I can. Exposing the wireframe structure that make up each geometric form truly shows how complex and intricate these models can be and would utilize the full capabilities of the laser sintering process of 3D printing because of how high of an accuracy would be needed and the process not needing support material.Creating using Rhino with the plugin RhinoPolyhedra and then edges were generated using Meshmixer.

About the author:
I am an Architect & 3D Modeler with several years experience in 3D Design and Printing. I graduated from Marywood University with a Bachelor of Architecture and a Minor in Business. I currently own nine desktop 3D printers and I am constantly printing designs for myself and for clients!


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