Lab bench vial holders

7 (likes)
3178 (views)
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These are various holders for small vials and cups which are often easily knocked over in the lab. See the file names for the diameters of the various vials and bottles that they fit. They are snug fits for those sizes. Scale appropriately in the X and Y axes if your vials are different. Note that the 28mm holders are specifically for standard disposable scintillation vials. The tripour holders are for the 100ml and 50 ml sizes of tripour beakers which are also easy to knock over. Note that they have slanted inside edges to hold the tapered beakers. They hold them very snugly because I use these beakers for washing grids; scale up by 1-2% if you want them loose. Print in ABS, PLA, nylon, etc for your specific cleaning and solvent-resistance needs.



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