chemistry and biology kit

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This is a chemical kit which contains 16 objects and which permits learning chemistry and biology.This kit allows to observe nature and study it in a playful way.The objects contained in this kit are: Two boxes for containing chemicals A funnel A sample holder Two test tube A flat bottom a beaker an Erlenmeyer A petri dish A model of cell A plant cell model A model of virus A model of bacterium A clamp A small spatula A microscope for iPhone 5c A model of an antibody In this section I'll talk about how I designed my 3D model.Every pieces of this kit were made in cinema 4D. I just started with cinema 4D, and I have struggled to conceive my objects. In designating these objects I learned to use Cinema 4D. Here are some picture of my creations in cinema 4D. it is an image with all the designs that I made. It was a challenge for me to make this screw cap because I'd never do before. This design is more complicated. I spend a lot of time to create it. Before I draw on the computer I first made sketches. I printed model microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, animal and plant cells. The models allow students to more easily learn their lesson. They prefer to see a bacteria model than to see the bacteria on a 2D sheet of paper.The models that I built is divided into two parts. So we can look inside the model. Inside the model I pasted a picture of the inside of a microorganism. Here is a model of a bacterium, it consists of three parts that can be assembled and disassembled to see the picture inside the bacteria. to the left is a plant cell image to the right we see the model of the plant cell. At the interior of the model, we see the picture I have pasted. This image is the interior of the plant cell. Here the model of virus, this model is also in 3 parts that can be assembled or disassembled to look inside the virus. I pasted a picture in the virus. In the background we see a picture of the virus micoscope. Here is a animal cell model. Top left an animal cell is seen under a microscope. Top right we see the image that I stuck in the cell. Here a model antibody. Project: study nature Objectives Design and create 3D printed tools to study nature. Build complex designs. Learn how to use cinema 4D or other modeling software. Explore history of science. Audiences Anyone of any age that is new to 3D modeling can use this modeling project to get started with cinema 4D. Preparation Students will need access to computers with cinema 4D and a reliable internet connection. Students should be familiar with Cinema 4D, this software is not simple to use.The professor explains to his students how to use the software. The instructor should be comfortable answering modeling questions about cinema 4D and be able to advise students to avoid design features that might cause printing difficulties (overhangs, delicate features, etc). It is helpful to have students form into working groups of two or three so that they can collaborate on the design process. Having students work in groups is also helpful if you have a limited number of computers and/or limited 3D printer access. Step 1 Have each group of students choose one, two or three scientific tools to model. For example, they can take the microscope for iPhone, the petri dish, the clamp and a container. Step 2 Students should look for scientific image tools on google. The picture must be clear. Images found by students Step 3 Students make drawings on paper before going on their computer.Students can simplify the tools they have found on google. Step 4 Students can now model the scientific tools in cinema 4D. They must create objects that can be printed in 3D. Step 5 Students can now print their tools. They should check that their tools are in the right scale.Students found a lens in an old camera, they can use this lens to make the microscope. tools printed by students Step 6 Students go in nature and are looking for plants or materials (different kind of stone or plants).When they find a interressante plants, they put in the container with the clamp.After they return to their schools to discuss what they have found. They put the plant they found in the petri dish with the clamp, then they observe the plant with the microscope for iphone 5c. Step 7 Students can obtain information on the plant, for example by searching on google they learn that this plant is composed of plant cell. They also learn that the cell was discovered by Robert Hooke.They also modeled the cell and print it.Students can make a presentation on the plant they found. This is an effective way to study. Results At the end of this project, each group of students should have: Records of any notes or research they did before the project. An initial sketch of their tool scientific tools. A sketch of their scientific tools. Notes on improvements or iterations in their 3D model design. 3D printed scientific tools. Students learned to follow a protocol to produce a 3D object. They found a lot of information about the plants they found in nature. They will again full of other experience with other scientific tools. I'm 15 years old and I speak French. I'm sorry for my bad english.  



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