caffeine necklace

16 (likes)
4276 (views)
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If you want to have caffeine all the time, this necklace is for you. The caffeine molecule is rendered in a ball and stick way. Attach a neck chain to two sticks where balls poke out the back. (Well, if the sticks are strong enough: see Printing Tips). WARNING: very difficult to print successfully using desktop plastic extrusion machine, due to thin sticks. But, using a laser sintering machine like Sinterit Lisa, this molecule model is just going to come out looking very good and complete. This model was created with VECTARY - the free, online 3D modeling tool Credits: model by rigtig181

About the author:
Tinkerer Own a Cocoon: FDM 200x200x200mm plastic Own a MakiBox: FDM plastic Making a RB3DP: see Own a 101hero: FDM delta 100mm plastic Rebuilt old Kossel mini clone, glass plate=smooth Couple of Cocoon Create Mod Makers Rebuilding old RepRap orthogonal


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