Welrod (WWII Silenced Pistol)

63 (likes)
11647 (views)
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If you'd like more information or to see more of it, watch this video: This week's design is a Welrod silenced pistol from WWII. I created this for my dad because we used to play Medal of Honor Rising Sun together when I was younger. So I thought this would be a fun gift. I created this model in Fusion 360 by importing an image and tracing it with sketches. I extruded the handle and most of the details, while I used the rotate tool to create the barrel. Then I printed it out on my Robo 3D R1 using Hatchbox white PLA. Print settings are listed below. It printed in 3 easy to print sections. The whole thing took about 5 hours to print. Post Processing: Step 1: Sand/File any rough spots. Step 2: Glue the 3 pieces together. No keys this time, but it's pretty clear what pieces attach to what and in what orientation. Step 3: We applied some Contour Putty to help fill in the seams between parts. Spread it out evenly and sand it down if necessary. Step 4: We applied some XTC-3D epoxy to improve the surface finish and hide some of the print lines. Step 5: Apply plastic primer. Give it a few coats, letting it dry completely in between. Step 6: Apply Hammered Metal spray paint. Step 7: Apply black spray paint. Step 8: Scuff the finish strategically with sand paper and a metal pick for scratching it. This gives a nice weathered effect. Leave the handle alone to give it a distinct appearance. Print Settings: Layer Height: 0.3mm Infill: 20% Supports: Yes (under the trigger) Raft: No



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