Inspired by the show Suicide Squad - Wrist Guns (Magnums)

37 (likes)
5553 (views)
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Inspired by the show Suicide Squad. These wrist guns were drawn using 123 Design.Please feel free to comment, Let me know what changes were needed. I printed the test pieces using PLA - .15 215 60 20% with with Brim and Support. To make these you will need to print1 of each pieces except - 2 of the Left & Right Loader2 Text Plates - Center and Glue on each Loader2 - Wrist Mounts - Designed to use 1 inch velcro - or similar strapping. Be sure to review the image before assembly. Each section of the gun will glue to the piece beside it. Once they are assembled then glue to the wrist mount. Paint as desired (Plastics based Glue) Please Enjoy



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