Fallout 4 - Pipe Pistol

412 (likes)
34844 (views)
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Suppport me on Patreon here https://www.patreon.com/lilykill, and help me create and get access to more great models. Here is the Pipe Pistol from Fallout 4. Consists of consist of roughly 30 parts to make printing, painting and assembly much easier. The assembly is created in such a way that the mods that you can have on the pistol are interchangeable and I will add them later once I have finished updated them. Follow me on twitter @ https://twitter.com/lilykill1, and instagram @https://instagram.com/lilykill1/ and facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/Lilykill-253119598353137/ where you can stay up-to-date on my current projects and releases.   Update 11/05/16 2D Drawing Added in PDF and JPEG

About the author:
Im a mechanical designer engineer for the steel industry in Wales where I use Solidworks to produce CAD models and drawings. Im using a brand new Deltatrix Black Edition printer that I bought off the designer who built it who I also previously worked with. Anybody who wants to know any information on the printer can look at http://www.instructables.com/id/DeltaTrix-3D-Printer/. If you want to check out on stuff I'm printing or currently modeling follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/lilykill1 and instragram https://www.instagram.com/lilykill1/ . I am now on Patreon to help me create more complex models and to create more media surrounding 3D Printing and prop replicas using 3D Printing Parts. Here is the link - https://www.patreon.com/lilykill.


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