Plastic Reef 4: Spores

116 (likes)
8988 (views)
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Hi! With this set of pieces (30 models) i tried to recreate weird undersea creatures using procedural and generative algorithms implemented in Openscad. The style and look of the “Spores” are inspired in Ernst Haeckel drawings. I’m fascinated with these kind of drawings and the organic structures that seems have been made by some sort of algorithm. Not an easy print, some models require supports, good retraction settings and z-hop is recommended so take it as a challenge to improve your slice and printing skills. If you have bed adhesion issues i recommend using a brim or move down a few millimeters the model to give a flat surface and a better stick to bed. This has been made as a community project supported by Fillamentum and lots of passionate makers. Thanks to all of them: 3DMNFilaFlip3DFilamentFrenzyFutLabFilip ŽákovecLab.cafeLeonardo DelgadoOpen InnovationsOpenfilRavMeimadStereolabTrilaband Laila  Have Fun!

About the author:
Hi from Spain! I design and print as a hobby. As a programmer i love OpenSCAD and all the stuff related to algorithmic art. (generative, procedural, simulation,etc.) I pay the bills working as a teacher of Computer Science. Always it's great to share my design so i hope you find something useful, funny or challenging in my stuff.


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