34 (likes)
6135 (views)
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This sprinkler will automatically rotate with the force of the water.  The design uses two 608 skateboard bearings to allow rotation. The water passes through the inside hole of one of the bearings. The design will work with standard steel bearings but will eventually rust so ceramic bearings are advisable.  The 2 axles that go through the bearings are made from 8mm diameter ballpoint pen bodies.  Printing the axles proved to be too weak but the pen bodies work great. Materials: 4 #8 bolts 1" long 4 #8 nuts 4 #8 wood screws 1" long 12 #8 washers 2 608 skate bearings (ceramic preferred) 2 pieces of ballpoint pen bodies @ 8mm diameter x 25mm long Printed parts: 19 total (11 printed nozzles, slotted or with hole) Use superglue to bond the 11 nozzles into the main roller making the flat edge on the nozzle is lined up with the flat inside the roller holes. Glue both 25mm long pen body axles 10mm into the end holes of the roller. Slip the hose collar through the hose attachment and then glue the collar tube into the smaller end of the flange. Insert a 608 bearing into the left side part and then cover it with the flange assembly, using 4 bolts to attach. Slip the pen body axle on the wider end of the roller assembly into the left part assembly. Insert second bearing into the right part and then slip over the pen body axle on the other end of the roller assembly, the bearing should be facing the roller. The end spinner slips onto the outside of the pen body axle on the right side.  Now slip the left and right sides into the ends of the base and secure with the wood screws.  Make sure glue is dry before applying water pressure. You may need to give it a push to start the spinning depending on water pressure and quality of bearings.   This object was made in Tinkercad.



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