Purple Grass

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5315 (views)
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77 years ago, the Japanese invaders created a tragic Nanjing Massacre, more than 30 million of lives. The ruins of postwar thick patches of purple flowers open ground. February blue, Purple Mountain in Nanjing everywhere. In 1939, a Japanese military war with reflection and repentance, to Nanjing from the flower seeds back to Japan, Sabian mountains, plant filled courtyard, and the name "Purple Grass." In his eyes, the year of the Purple Mountain, each flower is a soul killed in the war. 70 years after the massacre, Military descendants, the purple flower species back to Nanjing. Zijin grass, it sustenance reflection and prayers for peace to war. December 13, 2014, the first national public memorial day, please do a purple grass in the chest. Four endless purple petals, and for peace to commemorate the faith of fellow victims; December 13, wherever you are, please stop the alarm sounded in the moment, in silence. "Purple grass action" to grassroots tenacious, cohesion of the nation.   "Purple Grass action" Let us remember history, cherish peace, warning in the future.  



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