simple frame stand

7 (likes)
2589 (views)
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the frame need to have a ledge at the back, and shouldn't be too high (25cm maximum) but can be pretty wide takes 15h on an ultimaker² and if you use another printer, make the print slower than normal because it is a pretty high print with not much ground surface (use a brim as well) the frame isn't meant to lean against it because then the stand would slide back but it should be haging from the back ledge and put on on the ground (one of the pic show it well) by default this is made for a 19cm high frame at a 75° angle, but all of that can be pretty easily modified on the solidworks file your printer need to be able to print on a surface of at least the height of the frame (side where the frame is against will be the side in contact with the printing surface) otherwise, it has a pretty contamporary look, and it is light, but the shape make it very annoying to ship (could easily break and would take a lot of space) my print had some weird but cool zigzags on the inside of the smaller triangle, not really sure what caused that



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