simple eraser cover

3 (likes)
3568 (views)
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if you have a (50 or less)x22x12mm eraser and an ultimaker² directly use the .gcode file if you have a (50 or less)x22x12mm eraser, slice the .stl file if you have a different size earser, change the dimensions in the .sldprt file (in the .zip) you just have to change the first function lenght for heigt*width and the extrusion dimension for length the gcode file is in ulti quality, and the walls are 2mm thick, so (at least in ABS) that give a very sturdy case with a noice quality feel one note : the lines inside the cover can make it pretty hard to push the eraser in the first time, but grooves will get dug in with time i'm not sure if less agressiv lines would still hold the eraser enough without digging in it, you can play with the dimenssions of the model if you want to experiment with that



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