M41A Pulse Rifle - Display plaque

35 (likes)
7286 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Little plaque i made for a display stand for the M41A Pulse Rifle from Aliens that is on here. Bronzing it up and attaching it to a wall mountable display that the printed rifle will sit on when not is use.

About the author:
Since buying my first printer in March 2015 business has been good which lead to me buying a second in June to keep up with workload. Printed several large objects for a friends replica prop business and several items from MMF because i'm a huge geek. Also have a great 3D artist who has partnered with myself and 'Its an Ashton' whos MMF page can be found at the following link https://www.myminifactory.com/users/chrisofedf


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