"Ink Extruder" - Ballpoint Click Pen that looks like a Smart Extruder!

13 (likes)
5111 (views)
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3D print your own "Ink Extruder" Ballpoint Click Pen. This does require a bit of manual work but it's very quick, easy and a great alternative to using a (boring) everyday pen. Modelled on the 5th Generation Replicator Smart Extruder, this is a working clickable ballpoint pen that uses the internals from a common Bic Click pen.... it's a pen that looks like a Smart Extruder! Choose your own colors for the nozzle and body as well as the colour ink and clicker (as they are available in a broad range of colours). Please check you use a pen of the type shown and the spring etc. is correct as some Bic Click pens vary in spring type. Two different nozzle files have been provided... choose the correct file to print. Refer to the images for details. For something so simple the Bic Click Pen is quite ingenious however the internal dimensions and precision is important for it to function well... and on a Replicator 2 and 5th Generation Replicator this works really well. A very cool novelty pen... the "Ink Extruder". IMPORTANT: Please read the instructions well and view all the images. Some images uploaded are of prototypes so vary to the final result.... which works best! If you like this take time to check out my other designs!

About the author:
Designer of all sorts of fun and practical things!


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