Desktop Lamppost

149 (likes)
14099 (views)
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A lamppost for your desk. Or use it a model in a small diorama. Anything really. This design is made up of separate components that slot together and depending on how it's printed could benefit from a bit of glue. Designer : "The lamp glass component is intended to be printed in a different material from the rest of the body. I used some of the glow-in-the-dark PLA filament in my test prints. I was able to successfully print all the components at 0.3mm layer thickness. Apart from one component, the Lamppost Upper STL, there should be no support structure required."

About the author:
Hi, welcome to my profile. I like to design a wide range of objects, from the mechanical/functional to artistic. I've been building up my 3D design experience using Blender, which provides a wide range of design options, since about September 2013.


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