Stripes Cubed

84 (likes)
4765 (views)
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This pendant is my representation of the many connections and layers of interdimensional space and time.  This pendant can worn as a necklace or hung as a charm.  I have more of my designs available at:: Thank you for your visit.     

About the author:
As a multifaceted designer and maker, I delight in the myriad of features in creating a unique piece. I am most in my element when I can actualize my conceptions. I am guided by my dreams, surroundings and relations. I collect many insights and reflections observing nature and the culture of our humanity. I prosper with diversity, and I savor becoming versed in the application of many different means to create with an assortment of mediums. And I have every intention to continue widening and deepening my exploration of creativity.


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