Wolf Mask

401 (likes)
17848 (views)
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Are you ready to release the beast within?Here is mask that will transform you into an agitated wolf(or a werewolf), hope you enjoy it:)This one is rather large so remember to keep the infill as low as you can, since it's front heavy.Took me about 30 hrs to print this one at 200 microns, but the result I believe is worth it.This mask isn't the best for talking while wearing, but then again wolves don't talk!The attachment points are hidden on the inside - I used a half a centimeter elastic bands, works OK.This print can definitely benefit from some padding on the inside, depending on your face.I might upload more versions depending on the feedback.

About the author:
Hello:) i'm a 3D artist who likes digital sculpting and modeling. I have background in game development but now i mainly do digital sculpting for print.


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