Gungrave - Cerberus Handguns

325 (likes)
16011 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Update 17.02.2018 - Files back up - If you print, please share your results and/or give credit. Update 02.12.2018 - Files Removed Always loved the Design of the Gungrave Right- and Lefthead Cerberus Handguns. And with the new Game (GunGrave VR) on the horizon i thought it would be the perfect time to print them. Couldn't really find a 3D Model i was completely happy with so i made one myself. Uploaded files are all parts for the Right Head (some need to be printed multiple times - screws). For the Left Head Part A1 and A2 need to be mirrored (for safty catch beeing on the correct side) The little screws can be printed or replaced with DIN 84 M3,5x6 Also included a complete single part version of the final gun. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have a question of any kind.  ---- UPDATE 12 November 2017 ---- Uploaded the updated STL Files  

About the author:
3D Printing Newbie Nerd Perfectionist CAD User Blender Amateur


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