For Honor Poleaxe

41 (likes)
5751 (views)
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I was asked if I could make the Lawbringer poleaxe from the For Honor video game by dylanwhopper on my Great Axe project. Challenge accepted! I've designed this to fit around a 1 foot 1" wooden dowel for all the top pieces and a 1 3/8" wooden dowel for the body. The length of the body is up to you but the in game model appears to be around 6 feet tall. You will have to adjust how the models are situated in your slicer of choice. Print 2 copies of all the langet pieces and 6 copies of all the screws. The larger ones go on the axe head and the bottom langets. The smaller ones go on the top langets and the connector piece. All the pieces should be glued together with either superglue or an epoxy.



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