Darth Revan Mask

64 (likes)
14583 (views)
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Here the mask of the infamous Star Wars Villian / Hero Darth Revan. He / She is by far my favourite Star Wars character. Currently this is just the visor but if you folks wish I will happily model the top cap of the helmet to fit with this. This was modelled to a head reference however the default size is quite small, feel free to scale up to your head size :) May the force be with you. Revan is the player's character in BioWare's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game. The character may be either male or female, though Revan is canonically male and follows the game's light-side path.

About the author:
I am a 3D game artist, lecturer and 3D printing enthuasist. I aim to provide some fantastic 3D printable models to the community. Watch this space for future releases!


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