Dark Moon Greatsword - Elden Ring

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This is a Demo version meant to portray the details and scale of the prop.The full version can be found here https://www.aguilarworkshop.com/product-page/dark-moon-greatsword Major Features Four Different Build Experiences This sword comes with four major versions. The first version is comprised of several blade segments that already include the crystal inclusions as cavities in the STL itself. This is the simplest version of the model and would make for relatively straight forward project where transparent filament would be your best friend. The second version is comprised of several blade segments that include separate models for the crystals. This is meant for those who want just a plane, easy to print sword that may later be used to make a mold and resin cast with a separate crystal inclusion. In this case the separate, printable crystal inclusions would also benefit from a transparent filament. The third version involves cutting the blade into flat hollow shells that slip over the central crystal core. Printing this thin shell in transparent PLA will allow you to more easily see the central crystals The fourth version involves cutting the blade into angled V-shape hollow shells that slip over the central core. Printing this thin shell in transparent PLA will allow you to more easily see the central crystals Sturdy Slide-On Design All versions of this sword are meant to come together and slide onto a central core/bar that will give the overall sword rigidity. The first version has slightly more and can accommodate a 3/4 inch central core, while the second, third and fourth version slides onto a 1/2 inch core. The hilt and guard both accommodate a 3/4 bar so an additional sleeve model was included to print and slide over your 1/2 inch core if you decide to go that route when printing the model. Additionally, all designs come with a separate printable "collar" that simulates the inner diameter of the sword. By printing this you can slide it over your bar to ensure the bar will fit before you print the whole sword, or to know if you have to scale the sword up or down to fit your central core. Lastly, the sword come out to almost 6ft in length! Optimized for Printing/Assembly All versions of the swords come with some alignment features to help ensure everything slides onto your central core bar effectively. In the first version of the sword this comes in the way of individual ice crystals that fit in-between the seams to ensure that your two blade segments perfectly line up with each other when on the central core Additionally, the sword with the crystal inclusions is meant to be printed "upside down", meaning the base of each blade segment is up and away from the build plate. This will allow for printing of each blade segment without the need for internal supports. The .zip file comes with some additional instructions to help you understand how best to print the sword You can read more about the design process of the sword with additional pictures belowhttps://www.aguilarworkshop.com/post/dark-moon-greatsword Demo Models can be downloaded at aguilarworkshop.com/demos

About the author:
Aguilar Workshop features downloads of 3D models from some of your favorite video games and shows. Helpful articles on how to make high quality props easily and cheaply. aguilarworkshop.com


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