The Man From Atlantis

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2932 (views)
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Luk van Soom is a sedentary artist Most of his images are from the same clay and turn eventually there to back Every new beginning comes from the same questions.. What is creativity where an idea comes from how do you choose one? form and how evolves the decision by the physical effort of manipulating the masses? making a sculpture in bronze as the Man from Atlantis requires maturity, thorough knowledge and a lot of labor. from the Creation Universe Van soom arise strange configurations. They are looking for the origin of things, equipped to float among the stars, to see into the future or past, to overcome gravity. This bizarre figures and ships, fire, water, strange buildings and the stargazers which Van soom complements make their world rely on your imagination, your willingness to dream and invent a story.Atlantis Man has the same background. With its 4 meters long and the rock or mountain peak where his foot rests, he towers above the passing traffic from. And between buildings and the traffic of the Waterloolaan he is an alien element. He suggests a world almost opposite to that prevailing rhetoric of economy and efficiency. All elements in the vicinity of the image gain as a new positioning, they will relate to the image in a certain way. You can not get around him, he looks like he can get off at any moment from his vantage point, and so has the entire area within its reach and influence.

About the author:
Scan The World
Scan the World enables metaReverse with a conscience; an ecosystem for everyone to freely share digital, 3D scanned cultural artefacts for physical 3D printing.


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