The Libyan Sibyl

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5773 (views)
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A sibyl was an ancient prophetic priestess who guarded her writings that foretold the future. The emblem on this sibyl’s necklace is an ancient symbol indicating her mystical powers, though today it is commonly associated with the Jewish Star of David, and with Exodus, and the escape of the Jewish people from slavery. The Libyan Sibyl sits contemplating the fate of the African people, after reading the scroll she holds in her left hand. William Wetmore Story conceived this sculpture after the onset of the Civil War, and his letters confirm that he intended it to be a symbolic condemnation of African American slavery: “She is looking out of her black eyes into futurity and sees the terrible fate of her race. This is the theme of the figure -- Slavery on the horizon.”

About the author:
We are an Arlington, Tx-based 3D creation studio offering 3D printing and 3D scanning services, and we love museums and art! We try to send in sculpture captures here to help expand the Scan The World effort (from which we also borrow). We owe most credit for model creation and refinement to the talented people at Scan the World unless otherwise noted! We specialize in portrait products and bobbleheads, wedding caketoppers, doll heads. See our website for more details. Models and designs of ours are published on Thingiverse with the same username.


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