Taino Ritual Seat, Duho, Dominican Republic

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This is Taíno Ritual Seat called a Duho. The Duho is a Pre-Columbian wooden seat made in the form of a man on all fours. It was made by the Taino people of the Dominican Republic. These seats were found in the houses of 'Taino caciques' or chiefs throughout the Caribbean region. They figured prominently in the maintenance of Taino political and ideological systems and were literally seats of power, prestige, and ritual. Duhos were made before Christopher Columbus landed in the Caribbean and is an important remnant of the Taino culture and civilization that existed before the arrival of Europeans. This is a replica #3dprint of a Duho, and can be purchased here:http://etsy.me/2zb5ez4 Please post a photo to share if you print this, and check out my other scans of skulls, bones and other items here on Myminifactory.

About the author:
I am a ‪‎Forensic‬ ‪Anthropologist‬ currently working at ‪Indiana University South Bend, and I specialize in 3d printed reproductions of hominid reproductions and fetal specimens, both whole and skeletal, for learning, teaching, biology/anatomy/anthropological instructional purposes, and as works of art. These are made from high resolution computer tomography (CT) scans of previously unknown specimens and are part of my personal collection, and have never been seen before.


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