Statuette of the Virgin and the Child

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2280 (views)
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This statuette depicts the Virgin standing behind the Child and holding his hands to support him standing steady. Mary is depicted wearing her robe, while the infant Jesus has a halo around his head. The little plate on the sculpture says "In the memory of Lorimer Rees Chaplain".  H. L. O. Rees (Lorimer Rees) d. Lorimer Rees received his degree from Magdalen College in 1929 and was ordained in 1930 in the diocese of London. He was an assistant curate in St. Mary's Somerstown in NW London and was also a missioner at Magdalen College mission. He spent 7 years working in a poor district of London, which was characterized by bad housing and poverty. He had the reputation of being a 'sympathetic and capable clergyman'. His induction to St. Peter's was on the 27th of February 1938. 

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Scan The World
Scan the World enables metaReverse with a conscience; an ecosystem for everyone to freely share digital, 3D scanned cultural artefacts for physical 3D printing.


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