Seated Woman, Penelope

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Unlikely to really represent Penelope; more likely to be a funerary monument. Roman copy of Greek original. The copyist has exchanged the stool of the original for a rock and has given the figure the face of an androgynous youth. Heavily restored Wearing a modest head cover (what Homer means by “veil”), she is seated on a stone wall, staring pensively at the ground, thinking of her husband. This is a typical posture in artistic representations of Penelope—legs crossed, looking downward, hand to her face (Figures 2.1, 19.1, 20.1). Roman copy (perhaps 1st century BC) of a lost Greek original, c. 460 BC.

About the author:
SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
The Statens Museum for Kunst (National Art Museum of Denmark) was founded in 1849 when the Danish royal collections became property of the people. Today we at SMK want to contribute to building a more creative and reflective society that values its history and cherishes difference.


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