Sarcophagus front for Publius Aelius Ponticus

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This is the front of a sarcophagus for Publius Aelius Ponticus. On the sides of the tabula are two figures. The woman is wrapped in a large himation and the man, the young deceased, is in a short tunic, probably holding a military donum in his right hand. The inscription is as follows:"Dis Manibus / Publi Aeli Ponici / militis cohortis V praetoriae, / vixit annis XXII, mensibus ii, diebus XVII. Aelia Domitia, / mater infelicissima / et sibi." - In the hands of Publio Elio Pontico, soldier of the fifth praetorian cohort, who lived twenty-two years, two months and seventeen days.

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Scan The World
Scan the World enables metaReverse with a conscience; an ecosystem for everyone to freely share digital, 3D scanned cultural artefacts for physical 3D printing.


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